
Friday, 16 December 2022

Year AE 1 - Kiri ELEISON



AGE: Adult, 01 May 2002, TAURUS

Employment: Founder, Mayor in training
Stats: Sedentary, Very Playful (4,5,3,8,5)
Aspiration: Knowledge/Family
Star Sign: Taurus
Hobby : Music and Dance
Gender Preference: Unknown
Turn-on/offs: Beards, Black Hair / Stink
LTW: Become Hand of Poseidon (not going to happen)
Passionate, Hates: none
Very Interested: Animals, Food, SciFi, Toys, Travel
Really Dislikes: Crime and Politics

Skills: Cleaning (1), Cooking (2), Creative (6)



Simon Studley - Best Friend 94/96                Stephan Studley - Best Friend 98/64
Fiona deSimberville - Best Friend 98/94        Christopher Miller - Best Friend 98/62
Holly Gear - Friend - 98/53

Sim-Kiri is based on RL Kiri - except that she is more extroverted, more sane, and much, MUCH younger. Sim-Kiri left Sim-City after the riots where many members of her cohort were killed. She fled to Four Corners to escape the racism and fascism. She has a loathing for people in political power who she believes are all criminals.
Spring 1AE: She spent a lot of time getting to know all the folk in 4 Corners, and discovered that she likes all of them. She was elected Mayor much to her surprise and chagrin, but she wants to do right by the people of 4 Corners, so she's going to study and get her skills - as long as everyone realises that she's not making the decisions for the town, everyone is. Kiri wanted a Bass, and then a piano and is self-taught. She has a piano and is hoping to have concerts for people. Although right now she is practicing the wedding march because she suspects it won't be long before its needed!
At the end of spring her main wants are to become best friends with Holly Gear, and to fall in love.
Possible Relationships, Possible Problems:
Chemistry:  Kiri is most likely to have bolts with Stephan as he has both turn-ons, and no turn-off, Holly has one turn-on. A Taurus is attracted to Aries and Libra, and Repelled by Virgo and Cancer. Stephan is Virgo, Hollie and Fiona are Cancer. Christopher is Libra. 

From an interest point of view, everyone is mildly compatible. No one is going to have trouble with Kiri's interest.
  • Everbody is interested in Food, Holly, Fiona and Chris are interested in Animals. Fiona and Chris are interested in SciFi and Toys, and everyone but Fiona is interested in travel. So everyone has points of interest with Kiri.
  • Everybody hates Politics and Crime, so it is unsurprising that someone who dislikes it still ended up becoming Mayor.
From a personality point of view - 
while Kiri is sedentary, nobody is overly active, so no clash there. 
However, Kiri is very Playful, which means that Holly and Stephan who are serious may have some difficulties with her, although it could also be the complementary thing where Kiri's playfulness takes over duties where her more serious partner is uncomfortable.

Her best matches are Christopher Miller and Fiona deSimberville. Unfortunately they are already off the scene because they have a 3-bolter to each other from the get-go and getting into their relationship before the BHIS turned off ACR.

Her worst matches are Stephan and Holly with 8/18 mismatches in interests. This is still less than half, so its not mismatched enough to stop a relationship.

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